Sunday, April 27, 2008

Zoe-Rolly polly

Zoe has been practicing and practicing and has managed to perfect the back to tummy 180. After much frustration and numerous false starts (179 degree roll, awkwardly pinned arms requiring immediate parental intervention, bizarre pretzel twists with her upper body stuck to the ground and her little legs flailing) Zoe has become a master at the frontside flip. She has even started to enjoy tummy time and now grins proudly at us, at least for a little while until she realizes that she can't actually reverse her 180 and she is stuck on her stomach.

Today, I am proud to announce, Zoe has completed her first 360! She rolls adeptly onto her tummy and then starts to rock back and forth until she manages to gather enough momentum to propel herself over once again onto her back. Her success rate is not too high, but she did perform this feat TWICE today.

Here is a series of pictures on the 180, the 360 feat has not yet been captured on film.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Zoe update

I have been very remiss about updating my blog. However, with the recent rash of serious health problems and potentially even DEATH due to overblogging, I think I can be excused!

A whirlwind update-
1) Zoe happily drinks from her bottle. At first it was only the Magical Adiri Bottles with their uncanny resemblance to a silicon breast filled with actual breast milk, but now she will drink from any bottle and copious amounts any type of formula. I am pleased to report that Zoe is pursuing her goal of becoming the fattest baby in the world, able to crush the other babies in her pursuit of more milk.
2) Max survived a month off of work taking care of Zozo. He was almost as sad as I was to have to return to work and leave Zoe in the care of my mom, dad, and stepmom.
3) Zoe has started daycare and after 3 weeks of "transition" has adjusted well. She does cry when she sees other babies getting bottles if she is not being fed at the same time, but otherwise she is doing very well.
4) Zoe has learned to turn over. This is big news for us. Last week Zoe flipped over from her back onto her tummy. Max had put her down in her crib with the mobile on in a last ditch effort to finish making dinner. I heard a higher pitched and more angry yowl than usual and saw the poor little imp wedged up against the wooden slats of her crib on her tummy! She has since become very adept at flipping from her back onto her tummy, but unfortunately no progress flipping back. And since Zoe hates being on her tummy this causes a fair amount of angry baby crying, followed by parental intervention (flipping her over onto her back), quickly followed by a Zoe flip onto her tummy, and more baby consternation. The cause and effect idea has not quite sunk in yet I guess (or maybe it has-flip over, cry, parent flips baby back, well she has us trained!).
5) Zoe eats "solids" aka cereals and mushed up bananas. Feeding a baby is a messy process involving both feeder and feedee becoming coated in sticky baby food and best done right before bathtime.